Saturday, 26 May 2007


The weekend with all the Andy’s, The Cardiff 6 made me very welcome (complete with Kirsty the Makeup lady – that was a pleasant suprise). We were filming the scene where Avril meets Felicity and despite feeling desperate about her friend begins to see the type of people Emma has in her world (and she’s not that impressed). The lovely Marianna, played Felicity, was I’m pleased to say, absolutely nothing like her character but looked exactly how I thought Felicity would – complete with all the grand gestures and fixing blue eyes. We had quite a laugh in the “Gorge At George” Café.

The rain was a bit of an issue for us as it was pouring down! Marianna had to enter the scene from outside and after several takes started looking like a drowned rat! It’s a difficult thing to ignore running water on the nose of your fellow actor in a scene, however I think we pulled it off.

We were also interrupted by some Welsh hoodies who tried to gatecrash the scene during a take. There was much shouting and insistence on their part the café said open on the door, however, Finn waded in and threw them out. The joys of location filming! Location Photos by Manny Elias.

Deblog From.... by Deborah Bouchard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Done Finn, good sport!

Really enjoyed being part of such a good crowd of professional people, Thank you all for the experience, despite the rain and the hoodies - life wouldn't be the same without them!! we came armed with Finn, they didn't expect that.
The project went smoothly. Well Done all.